Justice, equality and environmentalism -
A brave warrior of modern times wearing her heart on her sleeve.
Ala Cya's holistic approach to her music has given the musician and producer a creative confidence that is reflected in her captivating voice and visually powerful music. She has created her electro-cinematic sound on the canvases of nature and travels Europe in her VW bus, capturing the hearts of music lovers with her warm and authentic nature.
Having grown up between two cultures, the 30-year-old musician now lives an international nomadic life. Ala Cya grew up in Germany, but her soul is shaped by her Polish roots and the lively melancholy of Slavic culture. During a journey of self-discovery in a Portuguese pine forest in the Algarve, she wrote her first EP “Treasurehunt” within 5 days in 2017. With her debut album “ Reflection”, the artist shows the full range of her creativity by publishing a book "Der Weg zu Reflection“ to accompany her album in 2021. Through her self-illustrated artwork and videos, “Reflection” is a personal mirror of her spherical cosmos. The songs represent the polarity and connection of light and darkness that live in every human being.
As co-producer, she wrote “Invisible Worlds” together with producer Thomas Eifert (L'Aupaire, EAU ROUGE, Lupid...) and experimented with a focus on series and film music, with lush electronic beats, modern strings and rustic melodies.
The album was released in 2022 and is part of the “Intervox Productions” sound library. The songs are regularly played on German-language radio and television.
Ala Cya is currently working on her second EP “ELEMENTS”, which will be released in summer 2025. The artist dedicates the essence of the songs to nature in order to draw attention to its beauty and the urgency of treating it with respect.
2017 EP Release " #TREASUREHUNT"
2019 Awarded the Augsburg “Roy” Pop Prize
2019: Support Show for Alin Coen
2021 Project funding from “Initiative Musik”
2021 Debut Album Release "Reflection"
2021 Pop Kultur Nachwuchs Berlin + live performance for “Alex Berlin”
2022 Film music project for “Intervox Productions”
2022 Album Release "Invisible Worlds"
2024 Film music project for “Keine Einzige Mehr” (Hamburg Media School)